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Singing Horse Herd Apprenticeship - Monthly Membership



The horses asked me to set up this apprenticeship program as a way for them to work directly with those of you who want to accelerate your evolution and integration of mind/body/spirit.

Thank you again for the important work that you and the herd do. You have had a huge impact on my own consciousness and deepened my connection and understanding of nature and energy which is also affecting those around me. It strengthens us all. – SHH Apprentice

You are likely a healer, teacher, leader, writer, influencer, activist, regenerative farmer, artist, or are otherwise working at a higher frequency to make this world a better place (even if just within your own family or community).

I have shared the herd’s wisdom for healing and inspiration with the public on our YouTube channel and blog. But this is next-level instruction – we’re talking super woo-woo at times – things that I am guided to not share in a public space.


At a human-level, I would like to warn you that coming under the herd’s tutelage does not mean your life will become instantly rosy and trouble-free! Think of the butterfly analogy of transformation… the metamorphosis from slug with legs, to gorgeous flying creature, is not always comfortable or pain-free. I have experienced this in myself and with every other person who has come to work closely with these horses – this herd is super magical and will make your heart swell with awe, but they will also show you where all your dysfunction/shadows are hiding.

Such a learning process. Thank you, Thank you for this wonderful apprenticeship program. It was a life changer for me. – SHH Apprentice

Then they will guide and support you through transforming, or letting go of the elements that no longer serve you, so that you can co-create something MUCH BETTER. They will SUPPORT you every step of the way. Unless you’re already Jesus. Then you’re good as is. 🙂

Singing Horse Herd On-line Apprenticeship

  • Apprenticeship course, divided into 11 Modules, with discussion, questions and sharing below each teaching (4-6 teaching units per Module). 
  • Spontaneous Video teachings - with Jini and Juliet present to interpret (pre-recorded videos).
  • Silent Observation videos - observe natural behaviour, body language, herd dynamic and communication. Connect telepathically with the herd or bring them a question via your intention (pre-recorded videos).
  • Discussion, questions and sharing on each video and teaching page.
  • 50% discount on any online/digital Workshops with the Herd.
  • Cancel at any time, at least 1 week prior to your next billing date.

How long does the program take?

When we co-created this apprenticeship with the herd, they gave us the teachings over the course of one year. Most of those original apprentices are still members, as they like to re-visit the content when they need it. The herd also adds further teachings from time to time. Most people take at least 18 months to go through the apprenticeship – that’s why the Lifetime Membership makes the most sense. You could complete the apprenticeship sooner (6 months perhaps) if you really dedicated yourself, but then that might not give you enough time to integrate each teaching. You will know the pace that’s right for you. And if you have horses, they will be involved in your apprenticeship too.

Gaining this knowledge from you and the herd is helping me piece together things that I’ve intuitively felt for a long time but not fully understood. I’m looking forward to watching more modules soon. The timing has to feel right though, so I am led by my intuition, despite part of me itching to watch them all at once!! – SHH Apprentice

The pathway to mastery is never without hard moments; where we choose to lean in to our dysfunctions, our limiting beliefs or patterns, or release those pin-pricks (or gaping holes) that are draining our lifeforce energy. The Singing Horse herd will lead you to this wisdom. The wisdom and awareness you need to progress in your journey – to keep evolving into your destiny. It takes as long as it takes.

Are you ready to go to the next level in your abilities, work, relationships and purpose on this planet?

Are you ready to transform old stories, saboteurs, and blocks to your magnificence, under the tutelage and powerful support of the Singing Horse herd? They may lead you into your darkest jungle; but they will also walk the trail right alongside you – supporting, assisting, and loving you the whole way through.

Since we joined to work with the herd, there has been a quickening pace to many aspects of our healing journey. New and old wounds in relationships have surfaced for a deeper resolution. We are both deeply engaged in this journey and it feels often like drinking from a fire hose, in many respects. So much teaching; so much we are learning. Thanks so much to you, Juliet, the Singing Horse Herd, for being the midwives for our re-birthing. - SHH Apprentice, USA

When I first started filming the Singing Horse herd, back in 2015, they said to me, "There is a layer of frequency contained within video technology, that humans don't know about yet, but we use that frequency to reach people directly - all you need to do is turn the camera on."

Since then I have had hundreds of people - from all over the world - contact me to share how the horses have shown up in their dreams, their meditations, and even helped their loved ones cross over.

How The Apprenticeship Works

Video or audio teachings from the herd are all in the private Member's area on this site, and listed according to topic, divided up into Modules. They are organized sequentially, in the order the horses have given them to us. Many teachings build upon previous teachings, so unless your intuition guides you otherwise, it's best to receive them in the order they are given.

Underneath each video teaching from the herd is a space to comment, share, ask questions and discuss your insights and experiences with all of us in a safe, private space.

Repeatedly, I have been called to forget everything I thought I knew. It is truly time to ‘get schooled’ Singing Horse Herd Style. During my evening meditation (after doing Part 1 of the Root-Heart Activation.) A block was removed which was limiting /weighed me down for YEARS. I feel light as a feather, simultaneously remaining completely grounded. WOW! - SHH Apprentice

Let me be 100% clear that you are not apprenticing under me (or any other human) - ALL of us humans are apprentices under the Singing Horse Herd. The horses are the teachers; the ones who give the lessons, transmit the illuminations, and aid/guide you energetically to implement your changes for growth and expansion.

I am simply committed to doing my utmost to be the clearest voice/hands for their wisdom. Don't be surprised if the horses show up to assist you in your dreams, meditation, or during healing sessions.

Dr. Juliet Ghodsian and I (Jini Patel Thompson), work with the Herd in the video teachings, or help interpret their messages - which are often in the form of questions for you to explore.

Human Helpers - Jini & Juliet
The other messages/teachings the horses have asked to share (they tell me: Turn on the camera!) are also in your Member's area. For these kind of teachings, sometimes the horses tell me in advance that they have a specific teaching or message, but other times they just tell me to turn on the camera and I have no idea what will ensue. Some of these are techniques that you need to practice - like a yoga practice, or meditation practice. Others are combination verbal/visceral teachings or transmissions.
Thank you with all my heart for making the apprenticeship possible! It has been completely life changing for me as well as Earth changing for all of us. - SHH Apprentice

During the Silent Observation videos, you have an opportunity to see their natural behaviour, body language, herd dynamic and communication - a great way to enhance or practice your understanding of horse-speak. It's called a Silent Observation because the human holding the camera isn't talking, or trying to interact with the horses in any way. Remember, the horses are not bound by time or space! So it doesn't matter when these videos were recorded, the horses can still be with you, or communicate with you, and your body/mind may still receive messages or ideas.

Singing Horse Herd On-line Apprenticeship

  • Apprenticeship course, divided into 11 Modules, with discussion, questions and sharing below each teaching (4-6 teaching units per Module).
  • Spontaneous Video teachings - with Jini and Juliet present to interpret (pre-recorded videos).
  • Silent Observation videos - observe natural behaviour, body language, herd dynamic and communication. Connect telepathically with the herd or bring them a question via your intention (pre-recorded videos).
  • Discussion, questions and sharing on each video and teaching page.
  • 50% discount on any online/digital Workshops with the Herd.
  • Cancel at any time, at least 1 week prior to your next billing date.

I redid these exercises. This time I did Part one with M in her paddock. I believe that I heard my other horse comment that if I would start taking my time with my chores I would start enjoying life again instead of my usual pity party of having too much to do and having no time to play with the horses.
I waited a couple of days before Part 2. I was expecting something philosophical. Instead I noticed that my lower back didn’t hurt. I have been doing much physical labor with soaking hay and shoveling wet manure aside from the usual pre-holiday stress. Yesterday I did a lot more physical stuff than usual, playing catch up. My back still doesn’t hurt. Thank you. – SHH Apprentice

Note: During the time we co-created this Apprenticeship course, the Spontaneous videos and Silent Observation videos were shot live. This is no longer needed, since we now have all the content/teachings - remember horses are not bound by time/space. And thus we are also now able to offer the Apprenticeship at a greatly reduced fee. Thanks so much for being present for this invitation from the Singing Horse herd and godspeed in whichever path you choose. Namaste. Of course, please feel free to email me with any questions/concerns.